How to install Wordpress via Softaculous in cPanel?

Here simple step to install Wordpress via Softaculous in cPanel?

Login to cPanel, or

Then, scroll down to "Softaculous Apps Installer", click on Wordpress (hightlight in yellow)


After that, you will see the page as below. Click "Install Now"


You will see the below page, select which version of Wordpress you would like to install. Normally this list will list down the latest Wordpress version only. If you would like to install old wordpress version, you can install it manually which I will guide in different post.

Under "Choose Installation URL" field, choose int which folder/path you want to install your website. Key on the value for all the field based on what you wish for.

Site Name: Your website name
Site Description: Description of your website
Admin Username: The username/userid for your wordpress to login to the dashboard
Admin Password: Fill in your password, we suggest key in strong password to avoid your website/app from being hack.


Proceed to install and the installation will running and show like this


Once installation done, you will go to this page with the message "Congratulations, the software was installed successfully" with the link of the website and wordpress administrator link.


To login to your Wordpress administrator, access to the administrative URL which is and fill in the details that you put or set before.



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