For Linux server, sometimes the queue will having problem due to too many spam emails or bugs. For today, I had faced this issue and here I would like to share on how to fixed it.
Kindly note that you can recreate qmail's queue, but all current messages will be removed from the queue and cannot be restored.
2. At the command prompt, stop the qmail services by typing
/etc/init.d/qmail stop
3. Then type the below command
cd /var/qmail/queue
rm -rf info intd local mess remote todo
mkdir mess
for i in `seq 0 22`;
do mkdir -p mess/$i
cp -r mess info
cp -r mess intd
cp -r mess local
cp -r mess remote
cp -r mess todo
chmod -R 750 mess todo
chown -R qmailq:qmail mess todo
chmod -R 700 info intd local remote
chown -R qmailq:qmail intd
chown -R qmails:qmail info local remote
4. Start the qmail services
Kindly note that you can recreate qmail's queue, but all current messages will be removed from the queue and cannot be restored.
How to fix Qmail queue?
1. Login to your server via SSH, ensure you login as root user2. At the command prompt, stop the qmail services by typing
/etc/init.d/qmail stop
or qmailctl stop 3. Then type the below command
cd /var/qmail/queue
rm -rf info intd local mess remote todo
mkdir mess
for i in `seq 0 22`;
do mkdir -p mess/$i
cp -r mess info
cp -r mess intd
cp -r mess local
cp -r mess remote
cp -r mess todo
chmod -R 750 mess todo
chown -R qmailq:qmail mess todo
chmod -R 700 info intd local remote
chown -R qmailq:qmail intd
chown -R qmails:qmail info local remote
4. Start the qmail services
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