How to enable/disable automatic update for iOS?

Automatic downloads in iOS allow apps normally set to be updated automatically. This may seem handy, but they can also be problematic because they may use your mobile data without you noticed on it. If you have mobile data, you probably want to disable automatic downloads.

How to disable automatic update?

We’ll show you how to disable automatic downloads for updates on your iOS device. Automatic downloads is a useful feature if you tend to forget to update your apps and end up with a huge number to update at once. To begin, tap “Settings” on your home screen.

On the left side of the “Settings” screen, tap “iTunes & App Store”.

Under “iTunes & App Stores” on the right, tap the slider button to the right of “Update”.

The slider button turns white and grey when disabled.

If you don’t want to completely disable automatic downloads, you can make sure your device only uses Wi-Fi to download the updates.

To do this, tap the “Use Cellular Data” slider button. Again, the button turns white when you allow the automatic update to using your data and grey when you disabled.
